ICON - International Clock and Oscillator Networking

Transportable Optical Lattice Clock - Riken
ICON brings together world leading transportable optical clocks and world leading optical link space infrastructure to explore the limits of precision time transfer. Including work on making transportable clocks more compact and robust with world-leading atom chip concepts, we are aiming at bringing precision time to everyone - first researchers relying on precision oscillators and later in commercial applications for the benefit of wider society.
This project focuses on:
Intercontinental frequency transfer with transportable clocks
Experiments on ultra-precise free-space time transfer via satellite
Advanced Technologies for Time-transfer Clocks

Transportable Space Optical Clock
Conceptual idea of the proposed scheme

Chip Scale Atomic Clock - University of Nottingham

ICON brings together an outstanding group of scientists with world leading expertise in the area of practical quantum technologies, in particular transportable optical clocks. The team’s excellence is manifest in over 20 international and national prizes, Fellowships from Royal Society, 100 high-impact publications in journals like Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters and over 25 patents.
ICON Consortium
UK Partners
University of Birmingham (Lead):
Yeshpal Singh. Email: y.singh.1@bham.ac.uk
Yogeshwar Kale. Email: y.kale@bham.ac.uk
Mark Fromhold. Email: mark.fromhold@nottingham.ac.uk
Thomas Fernholz. Email: thomas.fernholz@nottingham.ac.uk
Patrick Gill. Email: patrick.gill@npl.co.uk
Rachel Godun. Email: Rachel.Godun@npl.co.uk
Ian Hill. Email: Ian.Hill@npl.co.uk
International Partners
Hidetoshi Katori. Email: katori@amo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp; hkatori@riken.jp
Ichiro Ushijima. Email: ushijima@amo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Kenji Arinaga. Email: arinaga@amo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Masao Takamoto. Email: takamoto@riken.jp
Christian Lisdat​. Email: Christian.Lisdat@ptb.de
Chetan Vishwakarma. Email: Chetan.Vishwakarma@ptb.de
Ingo Nosske. Email: ingo.nosske@ptb.de
Soeren Doerscher. Email: Soeren.Doerscher@ptb.de
​ Stephan Schiller. Email: step.schiller@hhu.de
Chang Jian Kwong. Email: chang.kwong@uni-duesseldorf.de
Ulrich Schreiber. Email: ulrich.schreiber@tum.de
Advisory board
Kai Bongs (Chair). Email: kai.bongs@dlr.de
Henry White.
Andrew Lord.
Industry Support

PTB Car Trailer - Transportable - Clock
RIKEN Transportable Clock at NPL site for the Measurement Campaign.
In picture from left to right: Ichiro Ushijima (RIKEN), Yogeshwar Kale (UoB), Masao Takamoto (RIKEN)