Roman Tachon
Roman Tachon is a French foreign student who joined the Group for a 3-month internship from april to june 2024, to finish his second year of university bachelor of technology, in the university of Paul Sabatier in Toulouse.
« Hi, I’m a french student who is currently working on the automation of a fiber noise cancellation system. I’m using the red pitaya enginering tool to automate the locking of the signal of the system and make it as more stable as possible.
I'm immersing myself in the world of research, and learning more about laboratory practices, accompanied by researchers, I'm learning how to use laboratory measurement and control instruments and implement them in the noise cancellation system.
This project is a real opportunity for me to discover a different professional environment, which will enable me to acquire new knowledge and improve my scientific reasoning thanks to the expertise and professionalism of the optical clock team. »
Qualification :
Second year of University Bachelor of Technology in physical measurement specialising in Instrumentation techniques, Toulouse 2024
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